Try to see a different POV

Point Of View:
Well I am not technically an industry expert, neither do I have couple of decades of experience under my belt. But I do have common sense, a passion for this industry, love for travel and most of all interest in different people and people's point of view.
What might seem legit to you might not be the same for somebody else.
Its like driving lanes, I come from India, where we drive on the left side of the road, in US or Europe, people drive on the right side of the road. Neither of them is the "wrong" side its just a different side or the other side

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Smile is inexpensive but Not Cheap!

Smile is the most cost-effective method to serve people, still one of the least used in today’s hospitality. Now the reference of using smile is subjective. Smile does not come from your mouth; well not 100% of it, a genuine smile comes from eyes, yes eyes. To distinguish between a real/genuine smile and a fake/plastic smile, just look at the eyes and you will come to know.  Most people, in this industry (service industry) under-estimates the power of a genuine smile. For instance, if you could see people around you, the air-hostess in a renowned airline, barista at a coffee shop, servers at the restaurants, sales people or executives in stores or malls, a next door store attendant, receptionists and N number of people like that, how many of them do you really notice giving you a genuine smile from the heart (eyes) and how many do it, simply because their manager asked them to?

Asking your staff to smile is good, but how many of us, do actually show them the importance of genuine smile? Smile is the best and the most economical jewelry, any person man/women can wear or say must wear. It’s cost-effective but by no means ‘cheap’.  When going to a nice restaurant, or even say your daily coffee shop, you get what you ordered, the quality of the product is excellent, exactly how you wanted, on top of it if one of the staff, smiles at you genuinely from the heart and wishes you a good day, it just makes your day sometimes. Smile is also said to be contagious and a good disease to spread.

It is an old saying that says ‘It takes more muscle to frown than to smile’ and based on science its WRONG. According to scientific back-up, it is actually the exact opposite; it takes more muscle to smile than to frown, to be precise it takes 10 muscles to smile and only 6 to frown  (Tom, 2009), and that is only mouth muscles. May be that is the reason, most of us Humans which are the only animal kind who are biologically able to laugh from birth, are prone to frown than to smile simply because it is easy.

Coming to other side of the scene, if you are a guests or a manager or someone at a high post, smile more often, and smile to people you might not know, or have hardly talked to. It might mean just a smile for you but it could mean a world to someone else. I recall once, in of the hotels I worked, it was a world renowned property, one of the house-keeping staff, got lit up in the morning, why? Because the General Manger of the hotel, saw him and smiled and asked how he was.

So to all those people, who are working in whatever industry you are, smile and greet people, it might really mean a lo to some and might motivate more than you can imagine.


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